Scholarship Celebration 2021

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Dear LULAC friends:

We are excited to inform you that LULAC Cincinnati held its 16th annual LULAC Scholarship Celebration on November 4 at Northern Kentucky University.  The Theme this year was Uniting and Empowering the Latino Community.  We were proud to award 36 LULAC scholarships to talented Hispanic students.  This was our first in-person event since 2019!  We were happy to see so many familiar faces, our sponsors, community leaders, and our scholarship recipients and their families.

This has been a difficult year for many non-profit organizations including LULAC.  Because of COVID, the world has changed and many of us had to make sacrifices and adapt.  Fortunately, our Latino resilience transcends these hardships – We are optimistic about the future and thankful to everyone who supports our programs. 

Our scholarship program started in 2006. Since then, LULAC Cincinnati has awarded 282 scholarships in the tristate area for a total of $220,000 dollars. 

To continue with our scholarship program in 2022, we need your financial support.  Please help us with a donation either via check payable to LULAC Ohio Educational Foundation, c/o Gina Pinto Williams, P.O. Box 19057, Cincinnati,  OH 45219, or online by clicking on our website We are now a 501©3 tax-exempt organization. 

Thank you in advance for your support.  Please share this information with your networks and friends.   JUNTOS PODEMOS!

Lourdes Ribera President – LULAC Cincinnati          

Diana Maria Lara, Alfredo Colas, Vice President P&G, Lourdes Ribera