LOEF-YLPN@Rhinegeist Scholarship Event 

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July 10, 2024 – The Rheingeist Brewery Taproom was alive with the vibrant sounds and flavors of Latin culture, thanks to LULAC Ohio Educational Foundation (LOEF) and its Young Latino Professional Network (YLPN). On that lively Wednesday, LOEF participated in the Brewery’s “Beer for Humans” program, where several non-profits compete for tokens, with the winning organization receiving a generous contribution from the brewery.

LOEF’s main goal for the event was to reach out and introduce our organization to the wider Cincinnati community. They aimed to communicate their mission and purpose in a fun and engaging way. The Young Latino Professional Network (YLPN), in collaboration with LOEF and LULAC boards, took charge of the outreach efforts, ensuring to bring a touch of their rich culture to the event.

Maribel and Victor Velez delighted Taproom patrons with lively performances of Salsa, Merengue, and Bachata. Meanwhile, Alexandria Montgomery, Marjorie Rodríguez, and Alba Azamar, members of the Salsamberas Folkloric Fusion, showcased a stunning fusion of Latin dances. The team from Viva Cinci added to the festive atmosphere by serving delicious Latin cuisine and Abelardo Avalos was live painting in the room. Overall, the Taproom visitors enjoyed a wonderful evening, experiencing the vibrant culture and spirit of the Latin community.

Congratulations to Alba Azamar, Ricardo Ugas, and the entire YLPN team for organizing such a fantastic event!

LOEF-YLP Begins work on Story Library

Capturing Inspiring Journeys

Our team, including Ricardo, Alejandro, Camilo, Alba, Jaime and Mari, has embarked on a mission to document and preserve the remarkable educational journeys of Young Latino Professionals (YLP) including present and past LOEF-Scholarship awardees. Through a series of captivating videos, we will showcase the resilience, determination, and achievements of our community members.

In collaboration with Norsemedia (where Camilo plays a pivotal role), we aim to create a rich repository of stories that highlight the impact of LOEF-Scholarships on Latino lives. These videos will serve as a source of inspiration, emphasizing the importance of collective effort in opening doors to educational opportunities.

Join Us on this Journey

From personal anecdotes to professional milestones, the “LOEF-YLP Stories Library” will weave together a tapestry of voices. We’ll hear from students, educators, mentors, and advocates—all sharing their unique perspectives and experiences. Whether it’s overcoming challenges, celebrating victories, or paying it forward, these narratives will resonate with us all.

As we embark on this exciting venture, we invite you to be part of the journey. Stay tuned for updates, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and heartwarming stories. Together, we’ll celebrate the power of education and community support.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment to empowering Latino youth. Let’s make history, one story at a time!

LOEF@Noche Latina

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June 8, 2024 – Noche Latina Lights Up William Frances Theater!

In a heartwarming celebration of community and education, , the LULAC Ohio Educational Foundation (LOEF), with unwavering support from its Young Professionals, hosted Noche Latina at the iconic William Frances Theater. The event aimed to showcase LOEF’s commitment to supporting Latino students and promoting educational opportunities.

📚 Empowering Education: LOEF’s impactful programs, including scholarships and mentorship initiatives, were spotlighted during the evening. Attendees learned about the foundation’s tireless efforts to uplift students and create pathways to success.

🎶 Salsa Rhythms: The theater came alive with the vibrant beats of salsa music. Guests swayed and learned basic salsa steps, immersing themselves in the fusion of movement and culture.

🌟 A Night to Remember: Noche Latina tantalized taste buds with free food and drinks. From savory tamales to tasty salsa, the flavors mirrored the richness of the community. Noche Latina had achieved its mission—to inform, inspire, and unite. LOEF and the Young Professionals deserve applause for orchestrating this unforgettable night.

LOEF Strengthening Partnerships

Renee Mahaffey Harrys CEO of Center for Closing the Health Gap (CCGH) with Laura Moese director of LOEF.

June 3, 2024 – Laura Moese addressed the City Council team during their 2024-25 budget review. Her focus was on the positive impact of the nearly decade-long partnership between our organization and the Community Center for Global Health (CCGH).

Key Highlights:

  • Long-Standing Partnership: For almost ten years, our collaboration with CCGH has yielded significant benefits for the Hispanic community.
  • Supporting Our Partners: By actively supporting CCGH, we demonstrate our commitment to fostering strong partnerships.
  • LULAC’s Involvement: The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) participates in CCGH’s Health Fair and workshops. These initiatives specifically targeted African American and Latino communities, providing valuable resources and support.

The event saw the presence of numerous community organizations, emphasizing the collective effort to uplift and empower marginalized communities.

Robin Bonaventura Director of Hartwell Community Center, Laura Moese Director of LOEF and Blake Williams Service Resource Coordinator at Hartwell Community Center

June 4, 2023 – LOEF is planning on bringing the following workshops at Hartwell Community Center:

  • ESL in partnership with Cincinnati State College and CPS
  • ⁠Hazlo Bien -Health program with Center for Closing the Health Gap
  • ⁠Mentoring day with Florence Baseball YALLs International players
  • ⁠Career day – LULAC Young Latino Professionals, role models for young students
  • ⁠Explore new programs for Teenagers. “Play it Like a Girl “ program to inspire girls to stay in school/ sports with P & G

YLP Celebrates Member Success

June 4, 2024 – Congratulations to Laura Castillo on her well-deserved promotion to Director of the Economic Inclusion Department! As the youngest director on record, she’s blazing a trail of success. Her dedication and fortitude are tireless, serving as an inspiration to all at LOEF. Within the Young Latino Professional Network, Laura excels in strategy planning, and we eagerly anticipate her continued accomplishments. The sky truly is the limit for her!

LOEF@ASPIRA – Esperanza

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June 1, 2024 – Laura Moese director of LOEF Supported ASPIRA – Esperanza in its closing ceremony of this program. This program graduated a group of Latino students (grade 4th to 8th). This program coordinated by Leo Calderon and Irene Encarnacion consisted on visiting 12 different locations including companies so they could learn about professions available to them.

LOEF in collaboration with the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and Princeton High School organized a visit to Princeton High School. Here, Maggie Perez from the NKU LULAC council discussed the community impact of LULAC, while Daniel McGee Marin (our 2023 WYLS participant) engaged students with numerical games titled “Math Can Be Fun.” Students were transported back in time, counting like Scottish farmers using only their fingers and toes, demonstrating creativity and innovation.
Tony Arreaga, LOEF Young Professional, delivered an inspiring talk titled “Dreams Come True.” Arreaga shared his journey from studying engineering at UCLA to pursuing his passion for cooking and working toward opening his own restaurant.

We are very proud of our partnership with The Esperanza Latino Center and will continue supporting these educational opportunities for our Latino youth

LOEF@First grade Graduation Rising Stars Carthage

Many of our Young readers were graduating on this day and LOEF want to celebrate them. LOEF provided refreshments and cupcakes for the graduation. We wanted to share in their accomplishments

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Goodbye to Giovanna Álvarez

April 5 – We had an small event to say goodbye to Giovanna Álvarez and give her our best wishes to her to continue her successful career as she moves from Su Casa Hispanic Center to OCHLA

Goodbye to Giovanna

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LOEF @Rising Stars at Cartage talking about Nutrition

As part of our mission to educate our Latino Population LOEF was invited to Rising Stars at Carthage at Parents Night to talk about nutrition. LOEF invited Elisa Huertas, our friend and Nutritionist from Mexico. She was able to present the information in English and Spanish and answer questions in Spanish.

Nutrition at Carthage

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LOEF@ Parent Academy at Princeton Glendale elementary school

Ana Martinez the coordinator of the Parent Academy for the Princeton City Schools invite LOEF to introduce our mission at Princeton Glendale elementary school. This is the second time we participate sharing information about LOEF services: ESL program, Young Readers, Scholarships.    We thank Anita for inviting us to several key events with Princeton schools to raise awareness about our organization and the role we play in the community.

Parents academy